What is Your Business Worth?

What is your business worth?

Knowing the value of a business is priceless, and knowing the drivers that influence the value of a business creates opportunity. Often the development of a business is one of the biggest achievements in a business owners life and where most of their wealth is concentrated. The time to know the value of your business is before an important opportunity comes up.

Questions that business owners ponder:

What is my business worth today?

If I invest more money to grow the business, how much more can I increase the value of my business?

How much life insurance should I carry?

What do I need to do to get my business ready for sale? How can I package to get top dollar?

If I sell part of my business or admit a new shareholder/partner/investor to raise money, how should shares be priced?

What are the metrics for valuing a business?

How much should I pay for another business?

Often important negotiations go smoother when there is an independent valuation. When negotiation a proposal, you are not always dealing with financially sophisticated buyers. Often, an independent valuation helps everyone come to a valid agreement sooner. This is especially important when selling a business.   No one wants to under price their business, but you also do not want to come across as unreasonable. We can help you with comprehensive independent valuation services.

We can also assist in the planning that helps you get the most from your business. The time to get a business ready for sale is two to four years in advance. Businesses with clean transparent accounting are easier to understand and buyers perceive less risk in reaching the decision to make an offer. The more transparent your business is, the more value it will command.

We offer a free consultation to discuss the value of your business, as well as CFO and valuation services to assist with one of the most important decisions in your life.

Please call fill out our contact form for a free no obligation consultation.

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We provide business valuation services to business owners across the Rio Grande Valley from McAllen, to Harlingen, and Brownsville. We also provide valuation services to Corpus Christi and San Antonio. Please call for your free consulation at 956-622-9742.

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